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Minimum Order: 1 Outer
ⶠSingle Number Rating (SNR) 29 dB ⶠIndividual packaging: 1 pair/ paper box ⶠ50 pairs/Box ⶠDOSH SIRIM approved JKKP/2022/12-01/00071 ⶠRemovable cord: optional corded or uncorded ⶠTriple flange earplugs fit comfortably in a wide range of ear canal sizes ⶠNo need to roll earplugs before fitting ⶠRemovable stem: Easier insertion and removal ⶠThe stem tips stay clean even if hands are dirty ⶠSoft and durable material is washable and reusable, reducing both waste and costs ⶠCan be washed with mild detergent ⶠPaper bag keeps each pair of earplugs available or accessible for re-use ⶠPlug material: Thermoplastic Elastomer ⶠOne size fits most ear canals
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