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ⶠCE & SIRIM approved model: 3M 6096 (New) ⶠNIOSH approved model: 3M 6009S (Discontinued) ⶠFilter with a minimum 99.95% filtration efficiency against solid and liquid particles ⶠFree cartridge storage bag (while stocks last) ⶠA maximum use time of 50 hours against mercury ⶠProtect against mercury vapour, certain organic vapors, chlorine gas, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, etc ⶠSwept-back design for enhanced field of view and balance ⶠUse with 3M Half and Full Facepieces 6000, 6500QL, or 7000 with bayonet respirator only ⶠSuitable for handling mercury or mixing chemicals ⶠWide range of applications reduces inventory needs ⶠCartridges are not one model fit all, contact our customer service if you need any further info ⶠNot for use in environments that are immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) ⶠAlways follow User Instruction
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