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ⶠ3M 6000 Series Respirator: CE & SIRIM approved reusable respirator ⶠ3M 2125: CE & SIRIM approved filter, a minimum 94% filtration efficiency to solid & liquid particles ⶠLow profile design minimizes interference with field of view ⶠAdjustable elastic headband ⶠReusable & low maintenance respirator ⶠApplication to dusty environment ⶠSuitable for particulate handling, such as wood dust, cotton/wool dust, metal dust, coal/carbon dust, flour/grain dust, mineral oils, glycerin mist, etc ⶠIdeal for handling DBPP (Dibutyl phenyl phosphate), DEG (Diethylene glycol), DEP (Diethyl phthalate), Hydrogenated terphenyls, PEG/PGE (Polyethylene glycols), PPG (Polypropylene glycols), TCP/TOCP (Triorthocresyl phosphate), Liquid petrolatum, Parrafin oil, etc
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