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ⶠ3M™ Particulate Respirator 8577, P95 is a disposable particulate respirator that is designed to help provide reliable respiratory protection of at least 95 percent filtration efficiency against certain oil and non-oil based particles. ⶠCarbon layer reduces exposure to nuisance levels of organic vapors such as solvents, degreasers, and resins. ⶠ10 pieces/box ⶠCup style. ⶠ3M™ Cool Flow™ Exhalation Valve helps reduce heat build-up inside the respirator. ⶠSuited for work situations involving heat, humidity, or long periods of wear. ⶠNIOSH approved P95 for at least 95% filtration efficiency against certain oil and non-oil based particles. ⶠCarbon layer reduces exposure to nuisance levels of organic vapors. ⶠBraided headbands are designed to help enhance comfort and increase wearability. ⶠM-Noseclip adjusts easily for fewer pressure points and greater comfort. ⶠAdvanced Electret Media is designed for ease of breathing.
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