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ⶠEarmuff Style: Behind the Head ⶠHearing Protection Style: Neckband ⶠSuitable for use with a full-brim hard hat / helmet ⶠDOSH SIRIM approved ⶠComplies with CE Approved, EN 352-1:1993 ⶠSingle Number Rating (SNR) 34 decibels ⶠOne size fits most earmuffs ⶠComfortable and effective hearing protection ⶠSoft wide cushions help reduce pressure around the ears to improve comfort and wearability ⶠStainless steel construction designed to help resist bending, warping and twisting ⶠEarcup pivot points tilt for comfort that adjusts to individual wearers ⶠEarcups with liquid and foam-filled cushions offer comfort for long wear and optimum seal
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