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ⶠClear lens with ScotchGard(TM) Protector, Blue temple ⶠSafety Overspectacles, suitable for those wearing glasses ⶠ3M Pressure Diffusion Technology(TM) designed for all day wearing without feeling tight ⶠFits securely even during rapid movement ⶠAdjustable Ratchet Temples â¶Scotchgard™ Anti-Fog Coating resists fogging longer than traditional anti-fog coatings, up to 25 washings with water* ⶠAdjusted lens angle and soft nose bridge designed to help accommodate tall cheekbone structure and low nose bridge height ⶠPolycarbonate Lenses absorb 99.9% of UVA and UVB rays ⶠMeets ANSI Z87.1-2015 Standard as an Impact Rated Spectacle
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